IDE 1.2.73 VM 234 IDE - Update help strings and links (thanks, Turgut!) - Move millisecondsSince/microsecondsSince into Input palette as advanced blocks - Add "BLE connected" block to the Input palette VM - Fix: make primMSecsSince return duration in milliseconds, not seconds - Make BLE Serial (Nordic UART) service always available when BLE is enabled - Allow primI2cRead() to read into byte arrays, as well as lists (when this primitive was first implemented MicroBlocks did not yet have byte arrays) Libraries - Improve pseudorandom lib - Fix: Rhythm lib was missing a variable! - Remove unused bar loop in Rhythm lib - Add unique and uniqued to Lists library - Allow numeric indices in midi control block - Split ELECFREAKS folder into separate folders in Robots and Kits and Boards - Add library for the ELECFREAKS Smart Cutebot Pro robot - Remove uartStart and uartStop primitives from BLE Serial library (no longer needed) - Remove deprecated HSV Colors library (use Color library instead - Remove deprecated NeZha library (use Nezha2 library instead) Translations - Updated Catalan translation