This release includes many changes. Here are the highlights: * Everything for each version of MicroBlocks is built into the application. There is no longer a "MicroBlocks" application folder with a bunch of stuff in it that can get lost or separated from the application. * There is a MicroBlocks installer/package for each supported platform, so you only need to download the installer for your platform. * On most platforms, the MicroBlocks application can install the MicroBlocks virtual machine onto the board. This feature is, so far, only available for the BBC micro:bit, the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express and the Calliope. To do that, right-click on the connection indicator and select "install MicroBlocks on board" from the menu. Also, MicroBlocks notices if the board doesn't respond within five seconds after connecting and asks the user if they'd like to install MicroBlocks on the board. * The blocks palette has been reorganized, using spacing to show groups of related blocks. It also labels groups of blocks designed for specific boards. For example, the "display" and "plot" blocks are for the BBC micro:bit and Calliope mini, which have a 5x5 LED matrix,. * There is a new button for importing libraries. MicroBlocks comes with a growing set of built-in libraries, and experienced users can also create their own libraries. (Use the "show advanced blocks" menu command to make the "export functions as library" command appear in the menu.) * There is a new iconic button for language translations of the blocks. (Currently, only the blocks are translated. We're working on translating the entire MicroBlocks UI.) * There are new advanced blocks to support NeoPixel strips and (for the BBC micro:bit and Calliope) rendering text on the display. While those blocks can be used directly, they are intended for use in libraries such as the NeoPixel library. Stay tuned for a scrolling text library in an upcoming release! * There are new libraries for generating music and using an ultrasonic distance sensor.