* Add support for servos and analogWrite on ESP32 boards (thanks Jose García!) * Improved light sensor code for micro:bit (more linear, more sensitive in low-light, and doesn't dim display as much; range is now 0-1000) * Add Helicopter game (thanks Turgut!) * Add Worm game * Display strings up to 800 bytes (for viewing longer JSON strings) * Display up to 32 list items * New 'Button Events' library * Simplify 'Servo' library * Rename library: 'Web of Things' -> 'Web Thing' * Update libraries and example projects to use new list/string primitives * Update Mozilla WoT Examples * Add Motion and Button Event libraries to locales.txt * Add Russian translation by Vladimir Zhdanov * Update Catalan translation * Fix: update primitive names on project load: 'newArray' -> 'newList', 'fillArray' -> 'fillList' * Fix: newList returned list of size 2 when size 0 or 1 was requested * Fix: only set filename field to selection if selection is a file (issue #61) * Fix: make AP mode work on NodeMCUs (thanks Víctor Casado!) * Fix: Flasher should create temp directory if it doesn't exist (this was an issue in many schools using Windows.)