* Fix: Decrease object memory size to support Wemos D1 mini (ESP8266.) * Fix: Bug in NeoPixel library that could cause needs a list errors. * Fix: Radio library should return copies of the received string and message type string (otherwise they are mutated by the next received message.) * Fix: find in list starting at should use the starting index. * Fix: Colons in label string gave unexpected results (include a crash when a parameter was deleted.) * Fix: Several issues with getting/setting string properties in the MicroBlocks Thing Server. * Improved translation support, including ability to incrementally update translation files from a master file (Locales.txt.) * Updated translations: Catalan, Spanish, Turkish. * Add tilt and temperature support for M5Stack and M5StickC. * Add ability to disable auto-connect by pressing the space key while MicroBlocks is starting. (Works around rare problem in which MicroBlocks hangs when trying to auto-connect to a BLE COM port.) * Add RFID library, contributed by José García. * Add random color block to NeoPixel library. * Add stop servo block to Servo library. * Simplify IR Remote library. * Simplify Radio library. * Use acceleration block in the Motion library. * Make Radio library be Comm. * Make Motion and PIR libraries be Input. * Delete old servo library.