Note: The Mac App is now signed, making it easier to install * However, the signed Mac app cannot install ESP VM's due to Apple security restrictions * For those with ESP boards, an unsigned Mac app that *can* install ESP VM's is available in the "standalone" folder. Or you can use to install VM's on your ESP boards. System * Don't poll buttons if there are no button hat scripts. This allows the button pins on a micro:bit to be used as output pins. * Initial support for Teensy 3.1/3.2 board * Implement temperature primitive on Clue board * Limit graphing data rate to accommodate slower computers Examples * Update Circuit Playground Simon game Libraries * José García's * Updated BMP library (thanks, José!) * New VL53L1x library (thanks, José!) * Updated Finch library (thanks, Tom and Bambi!) Translations * Chinese translation tweaks (thanks, Simon!) * Updated Uzbek and Русский (Russian) translations (thanks, Nargiza!)