Major new features: * Ability to change block scale (55-250%) * Many UI improvements, including changing cursors * Better scrolling using arrow keys & mousewheel * Color selector now starts with the existing color * Internal graphics system rewrite improves UI performance when working with numbers of scripts System: * Serial port support on boards that have hardware to support it * Fast accelerometer sampling and the ability to set higher G range for studying collisions * Firmware update uses universal hex file for micro:bit so user does not have select between v1 and v2 * New "asByteArray" primitive * New string split primitive * Allow user to specify 'number only' or 'string only' for user-defined block parameter types (in advanced mode only) * Allow enter key as shortcut for clicking the save/open button in FilePicker * Allow color picker to grab a color from anywhere in the UI window (click in palette, then drag with mouse down) * Increase contrast of block running highlight in browser * "save picture of script" command uses the current block scale Libraries: * DrawBot library can now plot text (thanks, José!) * New128x64 OLED graphics library written entirely in MicroBlocks (thanks, Turgut) * Moved Ringtone library to top level to make easier for students to find * Scrolling library now autoloads on micro:bit and Calliope Translations: * Update Dutch translation (thanks, Cobie!) * Update Spanish and Catalan translations Bug fixes: * Fix: Screen orientation of M5StickC+ was inverted; it now matchesM5StickC * Fix: SPI send/receive crash VM on micro:bit v1 and v2 (that but crept in with an Arduino framework update) * Fix: ED1 Buttons library not auto-loading in browser * Other bug fixes too numerous to list!