What makes MicroBlocks different?
While there are other blocks languages for microcontrollers, what really sets MicroBlocks apart is its combination of live programming and autonomous operation. Other blocks languages support one or the other of those features but not both.
Live Programming
MicroBlocks is a live environment. Click on a block and it runs immediately, right on the board. Try out commands. See and graph sensor values in real time. No more waiting for code to compile and download.
Autonomous Operation
MicroBlocks downloads your code as you write it. When you like what your program does, just unplug the board and you're good to go. Make a game, a fitness app, or light-up clothing that goes wherever you do.
Want to display an animation while controlling a motor? No problem! MicroBlocks lets you write separate scripts for each task and run them at the same time. Your code is simpler to write and easier to understand.
MicroBlocks runs on many different boards, but your scripts are portable. Buttons, sensors, and display blocks behave the same on all boards with the relevant hardware. MicroBlocks even simulates the micro:bit 5x5 LED display on TFT displays.
Read back
With MicroBlocks, the board acts like a memory stick. No need for files; just plug in a board and the scripts reappear. Hand your board to a friend so they can explore your code. They might even add a cool new feature!